Sonata 5 mg is a medicine that helps in dealing with insomnia. It is also helpful to treat certain types of muscle spasms and seizures. Sonata 5 mg capsule is a Schedule 4 medication due to its potential for abuse. 5 mg Sonata green and white capsule belongs to the drug class pyrazolopyrimidine and Zaleplon is the generic version of Sonata 5 mg.
Visit your doctor for regular check-ups to notice your progress when you are taking Sonata. Keep a regular sleep schedule each night. Avoid caffeine consumption in the evening hours. When these kinds of medications are used every night for more than a few weeks, they may stop working. In this case discuss it with your doctor, if you still have trouble sleeping.
After taking this medication, you may get up and do an activity that you do not remember after some time, activities include driving a car cooking and eating food, talking on the phone, and sleep-walking. Serious injuries may occur in this condition, stop the medication and tell your doctor right away if you find out you have done any of these activities.
The side effects of Sonata may include blurred or double vision, chest pain, fever, or cough, confusion about identity, place, and time, discouragement, false or unusual sense of well-being, fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse, feeling sad or empty, the general feeling of discomfort or illness, hives or skin rash, irritability, lack of appetite, lightheadedness, loss of interest or pleasure, not feeling like oneself, shakiness and unsteady walk, tightness in the chest, trouble concentrating, sleeping, or breathing.
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