health tips

Water Fasting For Weight Loss: 7 Day Water Fasting Before & After

Water Fasting Benefits For Weight Loss

Water fasting is not a new concept, it has been followed since ancient times for different reasons. However, it has recently been trending due to its importance in weight reduction. Water fasting is a natural method of weight loss with limited side effects. In this article, you will learn about the water fasting benefits for weight loss. You will also get an idea about its safety and concerning facts. It will help you discover the importance of fasting water to reduce weight.

People follow different diet plans for weight loss such as intermittent fasting, plant-based diet, ketogenic diet, low-carbohydrate diet, high-protein diet (Nuts), or paleo diet, but water fasting is a natural method of weight loss with limited side effects.

What Is Water Fasting:-

Water fasting is a method of fasting in which people only consume water for a fixed duration. This fasting method has been followed since ancient times for religious reasons, but in modern times, people practice water fasting for weight loss and other health benefits. It is a calorie-less diet where people are not allowed to eat or drink anything.

Duration For Water Fasting:-

Water fasting helps to lose weight fast but anyone can not practice it for a long duration such as 30 day water fast or 40 day water fast. Generally, people practice it for 1 to 3 days. But people may also practice it for a long duration after consulting the doctor. Recently a person from Costa Rica was in the news for practicing 21 day water fasting. He shared his experience of water fasting results that he lost 13 pounds in 21 days by water fasting, initially, it was difficult but with time it became comfortable and he experienced some other health benefits apart from weight loss. So the duration for water fasting depends on the health condition of a person and it may not be the same for different people. When you are going to decide the duration of water fasting, it is important to consult your doctor.

How To Water Fast: Water Fasting Before And After:-

Our general diet contains many nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and fat and when we start water fasting then the body will not get these nutrients. The body may react adversely if you suddenly stop providing all nutrients and start water fasting. We need some preparations before starting water fasting so that our body can accumulate with it and provide the best result for us whether it is for weight loss or other health benefits. After the completion of water fasting you should consume soup, smoothie and fruits to increase nutrients in your body.

  • Calorie intake:- If you are planning to start water fasting for weight loss, then before starting it start reducing your calorie intake so that your body can accumulate the condition when you completely stop taking calories and take only water.
  • Hydration:- Except for low-calorie intake, you should also keep in mind that you have to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. This will help when you start your journey of water fasting.
  • Duration:- What should be your duration for water fasting, your doctor will decide the duration. Your doctor will decide the time frame after checking your health condition. It is also important that you choose a time frame yourself when you can take enough rest so you won’t get tired easily.

Water Fasting Benefits:-

There are so many benefits of water fasting, but people generally practice it for weight loss as water is a natural appetite suppressant and it works without any side effects. Along with weight loss, a water diet also removes the toxic wastes from your body. Health benefits from water fasting are mentioned below.

  • Detoxification:- Damaged particles are removed from the cell and regeneration of healthy cells takes place in the body.
  • Metabolism:- Water fasting triggers ketosis, which is a process of burning stored fat in the body. It affects metabolism by affecting the levels of insulin and leptin hormones that are responsible for metabolism.
  • Mental focus and clarity:- Water fasting promotes the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors that are helpful for focus and clarity. It saves the brain from using its energy over the metabolic process, generally, the brain uses 10% of its energy in the metabolic process, and during water fasting the brain utilizes this energy to remove unwanted elements from the body. It also changes the chemical balances in the brain and improves mood and stress management.
  • Enhancement of autophagy:- Autophagy is a process of degradation of the cell, where the cell removes unwanted elements and rejuvenates itself. Fasting boosts this process in the body.
  • Control blood sugar:- According to some studies, water fasting lowers sugar levels and may save you from the risk of diabetes.
  • Enhances heart health:- It controls cholesterol levels in the body and also controls high blood pressure, so it can help to improve heart health.
  • Improves immunity:- During water fasting, the digestive system of the body is resting so the body focuses on the improvement of cells and diverts all energy to enhance immunity.

Is Water Fasting Safe For Kidneys?

Water fasting is beneficial in many aspects but it does not mean that it does not have any disadvantages and anyone can practice it in any situation. Before you start water fasting for your weight loss, you have to identify the circumstances in which it is not beneficial for a person. According to studies, it has many health benefits but you have to figure out its benefits and adverse effect for you before you give it a try. Always remember that it can worsen the existing kidney issues and may increase the risk of kidney stones.

Risk factors For Water Fasting:-

There is no doubt that water-only fasting has so many health benefits, but it also has adverse effects. It is concerning that for some people it works well and some people experience adverse effects. Here we know about the risk factors that may induce the adverse effects of water fasting for you.

  • Dehydration:- It may be a shocking fact for you that during water fasting you may feel dehydrated, but it is true. You may be drinking the same amount of water during water fasting but you are not consuming food, which is responsible for 20 to 30 percent of hydration to your body.
  • Fatigue and lightheadedness:- In this process, calorie intake is negligible so you may experience tiredness and lightheadedness. Do not engage in heavy work during water fasting.
  • Orthostatic hypotension:- It is a process of dropping blood pressure and you may feel dizzy while suddenly standing.
  • Eating disorder:- During water fasting, you do not consume food and your body is now habituated to only water so when you start eating again, you may feel a change in your eating habits.
  • Deficiency of Nutrients:- During water fasting body does not get any nutrients for you may also face nutrient deficiency.
  • Imbalance of electrolytes:- Water fasting can disturb the balance of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Improving the levels of electrolytes after the fast is important to prevent health complications.

Signs To Stop Water Fasting:-

Weight loss is always difficult, losing weight is not an easy task in comparison to gaining weight. Due to this reason some people opt for weight loss medicines such as Phentermine and Meridia. These medicines work as an appetite suppressant but it is also important to follow healthy lifestyle with these medications. Normally, when someone starts water fasting the first day is always difficult. But if you are feeling difficulties continuously during your fasting such as dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, Persistent headaches, heart palpitations, severe muscle cramps, and mood swings then you should stop it and contact your doctor.

Concerning Health Condition For Water Fasting:-

In this process body experiences a lot of change as it does not get nutrients so in some health conditions, you should not practice water fasting. Always take advice from the doctor before you start water fasting. Some health conditions are mentioned below in which you should not practice water fasting.

  • Pregnancy:- Pregnant women should never practice it because in pregnancy body requires more nutrients for the baby and it is important for the mother to follow a healthy diet.
  • Age:- Children need healthy food for their growth and development, so it is important to eat nutrient-rich food. Elderly people should also not practice this method because the benefits of water fasting for older people are under discussion.
  • People with impaired kidney function:- During water fasting, you may be dehydrated and it will make this existing condition worse.
  • A person on medication:- if you are taking medicines regularly, you should not practice water fasting because food is important for absorption.
  • Diabetes:- it is also not suitable for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease:- In this condition, your stomach is producing acid continuously so you should avoid water fasting.


Water fasting in recently in a trend for its health benefits. Though it is not a new concept and modern age people are practicing it for weight loss. People have shared their experiences for a different duration, after 3 days water fasting they have lost around 4.5 to 12 LB weight, and after 7 days water fasting they have experienced different physiological effects like weight loss, ketosis, and autophagy. According to research, it is beneficial for weight loss and several other health conditions but if you want to start your weight loss journey through water fasting, consult a doctor first to make sure it benefits you over its side effects.


How Long Is It Good To Water Fast For?

It depends on several factors and varies from person to person. However, for most people a duration of 24 hours to 72 hours is considerable. An individual must consult a doctor before starting water fasting for its safe practice.

What Happens To Your Body When You Water Fast?

According to studies, Water fasting enhances physical and mental health. However, a person should always practice water fasting under a health care provider.

How Much Weight Will I Lose On A 3 Day Water Fast?

How much weight can an individual lose on a 3-day water fast depends on different factors such as starting weight and the height of the person. It is helpful for weight loss, mental clarity, and well-being of the person.

What Can Be The Hardest Day Of Water Fasting?

Most people find the second day of the fast is the most difficult one because according to some research, the hunger hormone ghrelin is at its peak on the second day.

Do I Lose Fat During Water Fast?

This topic is under discussion but during a study of a small group of people, it was found that people lost over 13 pounds of weight and there was also a significant reduction in their body fat. So you may lose fat during the water fast.

Will A Water Fast Ruin My Metabolism?

Insulin and leptin are the hormones that affect the metabolism in a person. According to some research water fasting may make your body sensitive toward insulin and leptin but there are no such serious side effects of water fasting if it is done properly under the supervision of an expert.

How Do You Maximize Fat Loss While Water Fasting?

By exercising you can maximize fat loss while water fasting. But always remember that it should be done under the supervision of an expert.

Can I Work Out While Water Fasting?

Working out during water fasting is profitable or not, this topic is under discussion. According to some research, it is good to work out during fasting and it provides additional health benefits to weight loss but some other research shows that a person should not perform exercise during fasting. So for the best result, you consult the doctor and follow the guidelines provided by your doctor.

Who Should Not Water Fast?

Children and people under 18 years should not practice water fasting. Except for these, people suffering from type 1 diabetes, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and people who take medications with food should not practice water fasting or any kind of fasting.

How To Properly Do A Water Fast?

For the perfect plan of water fasting, you should visit a doctor and ask them about the method of water fasting. Generally, a person should drink 2 to 3 liters of mineral water during water fasting for hydration.

Does Lemon Water Break A Fast?

Adding a small amount of lemon to the water will not break your fast because it contains a negligible amount of calories.

Can I Drink Coffee While Water Fasting For Weight Loss?

During water fasting you have to consume only water, drinking coffee during water fasting will break your fast.

What To Eat After Water Fasting For 7 Days?

After 7 days of water fasting you should consume easily digestible liquids and soft foods such as soup, smoothies, fruits like avocado, and berries.

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