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Best Anti Anxiety Meds for Cancer Patients: Overcome Cancer Anxiety

Best Anti Anxiety Meds for Cancer Patients

In the USA, the number of cancer patients is increasing day by day, and the American Cancer Society (ACS) regularly publishes the number of death cases every year in the country. Cancer is the second major cause of most deaths in the United States. Many medicines are widely used for treating cancer patients. Most doctors prescribe anti-anxiety medicines that do not worsen the level of anxiety in those persons who are going through the treatment process of cancer. In this article, we will discuss some of the best anti anxiety meds for cancer patients, that work amazingly.

What is Cancer & How Does It Relate To Anxiety?

Cancer is a health condition that can occur in people of any age and at any time. It is an unnatural excessive growth of the body’s cells, but can also spread to other parts of the human body. Cancer can develop in any part of the body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, cells grow and multiply to generate new cells because the human body needs them to function properly. And later, they become old and get damaged or die, then new cells regenerate and the cycle goes on. Sometimes, these damaged cells grow and multiply themselves in the human body. These abnormal or damaged cells take place in the form of tumors or lumps of tissues. This condition is known as Cancer.

People who are suffering from cancer can experience anxiety in different ways. It creates a feeling of fear, uneasiness, panic, restlessness, shortness of breath, sweating, and even muscles tightened.

These are the various symptoms of anxiety. In a cancer patient, you can find these signs which can lead to physical pain.

Best Anti-Anxiety Medications For Patients With Cancer

Here are a few commonly used anti-anxiety drugs that are prescribed by doctors for cancer patients.


Benzodiazepine medications are used to treat cancer in patients. For this treatment, chemotherapy is commonly used as part of a standard regimen. Because of their anxiolytic, sedative, and amnesic properties, Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Alprazolam, Diazepam, Valium) are prescribed for cancer patients to help reduce problems that people suffer from the disease.


Lorazepam comes under the class of benzodiazepine drugs. This type of medicine acts to lessen the activity of the central nervous system (CNS).

This medication may help to control seizures and reduce nausea and vomiting during cancer treatment of a patient. It also helps to lower anxiety and make patients calm before the medical process. Lorazepam medicine is also marketed as Ativan.


Antidepressant fluoxetine (FLX) is usually prescribed by doctors for cancer patients with comorbidity depression. Fluoxetine helps to improve the malignant condition of colon cancer.

The most common side effects are feeling hungry, anxiety, restlessness, headache, and many more. Most of the patients feel worse during the first few weeks of treatment, but they begin to feel better after some time.

Sertraline (Zoloft)

Sertraline is commonly used to treat cancer patients having a severe condition of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). A patient suffering from cancer helps to overcome problems like appetite, tiredness, anhedonia, etc.

Sometimes, suicidal thoughts may come up in the patient’s mind while undergoing the treatment process of chemotherapy.

Duloxetine (Cymbalta)

Healthcare experts can prescribe this medicine for treating cancer patients. It can also help in reducing problems like anxiety, depression, fear, and many more. A cancer patient may suffer from some of the common side effects such as severe headache, dizziness, stomach constipation, etc.

In severe cases, the patient may think of committing suicide, which can be very dangerous for his/her life.


In your daily life, anxiety can occur due to any disease or can happen at any time, either for a short or long period. A disease like cancer may surely bring anxiety in a person’s life. Anxiety is an unexpected reaction that occurs in individuals while being treated at home.

It can affect a person’s relationship, and health, and even will not be able to take care of themselves in situations of anxiety or any illness. Several medications help cure anxiety and cancer, too. Individuals can undergo the treatment as per their preferences after consulting a healthcare expert. Hopefully, you got the information on the best anti anxiety meds for cancer patients.

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