health tips

Bacterial vs Viral Infection: Discern Symptoms, Diseases, Diagnosis

Bacterial vs Viral Infection

As the world has just faced the COVID-19 virus, it has become important for us to know about the infections and diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. Both viral and bacterial infections are contagious and can make you sick and could also be fatal. But now the question is, what is the difference between viral, and bacterial infection (bacterial vs viral infection)?

Symptoms of bacterial infection and viral infection can range from mild to severe, and without proper treatment, they may also be life-threatening. In this article, we’ll look at the main differences between viral and bacterial infections. It also showcases the bacterial vs viral infection symptoms, testing, treatments, and ways to prevent them.

An Overview of Bacterial & Viral Infections:

Before starting the session on ‘ Bacterial Vs Viral infection’, properly know, what are they;

What Is Bacterial Infection?

They are tiny microorganisms that are made up of a single cell. Bacteria are very diverse and can have a large variety of structural features and shapes.

Bacteria can survive in almost any type of environment, including in or on the human body. Only a few bacteria cause infections in humans, which are called pathogenic bacteria.

What Is Viral Infection?

Viruses are also tiny microorganisms but are even smaller as compared to bacteria. They are very diverse and have a variety of shapes and structural features. Viruses are parasitic, meaning they require living tissues or cells in which to breed.

Viruses can infect the cells of the body by using the components of the cells to grow and multiply. Some viruses might also kill the host’s cells as a part of their life cycle.

Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Infections:

Bacteria and viruses are two types of microscopic pathogens. Both viruses and bacteria can produce similar symptoms and immune responses. Their structures and ways of reacting to the medication set both of them apart from each other.

Viruses are parasitic causing them to require a living host to survive and multiply. When they infect a host, they grow and reproduce inside the cells of the host. While doing so, they may kill, damage, or change the cells of the host they infect.

The following are the characteristics of infectious viruses:

  • Smaller than any bacteria.
  • Cannot survive without a host cell from a human, animal, or plant.
  • Specific to the area of the body it attacks.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can exist and reproduce anywhere without requiring a host. Most bacteria do not cause infections. The human body naturally has 10x more bacterial cells as compared to human cells, which help support the digestive system.

The following are the characteristics of Bacteria:

  • Can survive and reproduce without a host.
  • Can exist for weeks or months on surfaces or materials.
  • May cause illness after viral infection, creating a secondary infection.

Diagnosis of Bacterial and Viral Infections:

Laboratory testing is required for an accurate diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections. It is usually conducted by a medical healthcare professional. The specimens collected to confirm bacterial or viral infection are taken from the following areas mentioned below:

  • Rash
  • Throat
  • Urine
  • Nose
  • Vomit
  • Stool
  • Blood
  • Sputum
  • Body tissue
  • Wound
  • Spinal fluid

Bacterial Infection Diagnosis Test:

Its diagnosis involves the use of a bacteria culture test. The doctors take a sample of the person’s urine, blood, or tissue from the site of the symptoms. Later, it’s taken to a lab where the cells are allowed to grow for a couple of days until there are enough to conduct a test for the presence of any bacteria.

Complete blood count (CBC) which is a blood test might also be used to diagnose a bacterial infection. This test measures the count of red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. The medical healthcare professional will monitor the WBC count as they would increase if they were fighting any infection. Sometimes due to bacterial information, patients need to raise the iron level as per the doctor’s consultant.

Viral Infection Diagnosis Test:

Viral infections are commonly diagnosed by virological tests, that look for the virus’s genetic makeup. Few tests identify the antibodies produced by the body against the virus after the incubation period. When antibodies for a specific virus are found, it indicates that the patient’s body is immune to that particular virus.

Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) are mostly accurate and highly sensitive. Other tests used to identify viruses consist of:

  • Virus Isolation
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • Genomic Sequencing
  • Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
  • Electron Microscopy

Diseases In Viral & Bacterial Infections:

The symptoms of bacterial and viral infections are common in the early phase of the infection. Therefore, you must confirm the source of your disease with the help of a laboratory test.

Diseases Of Viral & Bacterial Infection
Common DiseasesViral DiseasesBacterial Diseases
FeverChickenpoxFood Poising
Sore throatCommon coldCellulitis
ChillsCovid-19Bacterial meningitis
Sinus congestionHuman papillomavirus (HPV)Gonorrhoea
Difficulty in breathingHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Strep throat
CoughMeaslesLyme disease
Runny noseInfluenzaTetanus
Stiff neckViral hepatitisUrinary tract infection (UTI)
Body achesViral gastroenteritisTuberculosis
InflammationWest Nile virus
FaintingViral meningitis
DehydrationZika virus


Treating an infection caused by a virus is much more difficult than treating one with bacteria. The method of treating both infections is one of the major factors that differentiate them from each other.

Antibiotics are drugs that stop or kill the growth of some infections caused due to bacteria. They can treat certain serious infections caused by bacteria like sepsis and pneumonia. They can also treat some common infections like strep throat, E. coli, etc.
A few examples of these antibiotics include:

  • Monodox
  • Moxatag
  • Cetraxal
  • Zithromax

Some viral infections could be treated with antiviral drugs. These are disease-specific and are not effective against other diseases caused by infectious viruses. They work by slowing the replication of the virus in the host’s body.

A few examples of antiviral drugs include:

  • Valtrex
  • Tamiflu

Treatment for viral infections consists of the supervision of symptoms while the immune system fights the virus.


Many infections or diseases are contagious and may spread from person to person. Preventing this transmission can be a difficult job. Below are some steps that might help prevent the spread of bacterial or viral infections.

  • Wash our hands thoroughly and frequently.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing and nose when sneezing.
  • Get vaccinated for bacterial infections and viral infections.
  • Pay attention to food safety while preparing or storing it.
  • Do not share items like toothbrushes, glasses, combs, etc.
  • Avoid close contact with animals and infected people.


Both viruses and bacteria cause several types of infections and can also be passed on due to them being contagious. Your condition can sometimes be diagnosed by a healthcare provider through a simple physical examination or would require a lab test.

Antibiotics are used for treating bacterial infections, whereas antiviral drugs are disease-specific and are used to treat a specific viral infection. It’s advised to consult a doctor immediately if you see multiple symptoms so you can get treated at the right time and prevent the disease from spreading to another individual.

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